An Afternoon in Cooperstown, NY at Ommegang Brewery

The evening after our Mother’s Day brunch was over, my husband revealed that we were going somewhere the next morning (Mother’s Day) that was either 90-minutes or 4 hours away.   I had a choice, but, since I’m indecisive, I asked him to surprise me so he chose the longer trip.   Meanwhile, I wondered […] Read more…

Mother's Day Brunch to Celebrate our Moms

Mother’s Day weekend was busy for me.  Do you remember my Mother’s Day Gift Guide post? In it, I mentioned having a brunch as one of the items.  This is one of the things that I did along with two of my older sisters; we planned a Mother’s Day brunch for our Mom and mother-in-laws, which […] Read more…

Outdoor Fun Activities for the Whole Family

The weather has finally begun to warm up, which means more time will be spent outdoors. I don’t know about you, but as soon as the warmest day hit, my family and I ventured outdoors to take advantage of the nice weather.  When you have kids, outdoor fun and activities are heaven sent, it’s God’s […] Read more…

Trying to Conceive: Coping with Infertility after Pregnancy

Infertility can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience for many couples. It’s important to recognize that secondary infertility is a real issue that can affect anyone, regardless of their previous fertility success. This National Infertility Awareness Week, we want to encourage you to #FindYourVoice and seek out resources to help you navigate the family-building […] Read more…

Things to do for Mom: Mother’s Day Gift Guide

*Affiliate Links I’ve only been a mom for four years.  I can’t believe it myself.  There are days I look back to the times when my mom was raising me, and I’d think to myself, “How did my mom do it all?” It amazes me each time, and I’m ashamed to say that it took […] Read more…

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