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If you love Christmas so much that you can't resist a Christmas movie, you have to try out this Countdown to Christmas movie challenge.

Christmas Movie Challenge Countdown Printable with 25 Titles

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the ultimate Christmas advent calendar. If you love Christmas so much that you can’t resist even a half-way decent Christmas movie, you have to try out this Countdown to Christmas movie challenge. Unlike other advent calendars, which end on 24, this list gives you 25 Christmas movies to […] Read more…

I'm sharing 5 Mindfulness Activities for Kids. Now, more than ever is the time to teach them how to manage stress and emotions.

5 Fun Mindfulness Activities for Kids {FREE Printables}

Sometimes we forget the importance of social-emotional learning for our children. Today I wanted to share with you an amazing mindfulness printable packet. As we all know, life can get pretty hectic and overwhelming at times, especially for our little ones. That’s why I think it’s so important to teach our kids mindfulness techniques that they […] Read more…

Tips for Working From Home While Homeschooling

In March, my family, like many others, were thrown full throttle into homeschooling or helping their children with virtual learning. All while simultaneously working from home. It wasn’t easy but we pulled through. And now, with the first day of school looming here in New York – September 8th for my daughter – parents are […] Read more…

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