It’s Our [three year] Anniversary!

Today marks the 3rd year my husband and I have been a married couple.  Of course I can say our marriage has been full of bliss, rainbows and unicorns, but no marriage is.  Marriage is hard, and it takes work, compromise, love and respect.   Marriage is marriage, and it is the best and most challenging […] Read more…

Making Baby #2: Fun times at the doctor & Femara

There’s really nothing exciting going on with the baby making.  My husband had his karyotype checked, which retuned normal.  Everything with me is ‘normal’.   After the most recent miscarriage our RE suggested skipping a cycle then try again, which would be my most recent cycle.  Besides my period being horribly painful, it was a […] Read more…

6 Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Healthy Skin and Hair

When I started my healthy hair journey, I came across coconut oil.  I’ve used it when I’ve made my pre-poo’s.  I’ve used coconut oil on my scalp, and to lock-in moisture after moisturizing. And outside of cooking, I’ve also found some pretty neat ways to include it in my skincare and beauty routines. Below are […] Read more…

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