As a mom who is constantly on the go, I know that there are plenty of things to keep in your car. Whether it is shuttling my daughter to swimming or gymnastics or taking a road trip, I’ve come to understand that preparedness in the car is key. Because with kids, moms need a lot more in our cars to be ready for anything from spills and illness, to hunger and more.
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I’ve put together this list of things to keep in your car that are essential for busy moms that are always on the go. the next time you clean out your car make sure you stock it with these essentials. They’ll make life easier for you as circumstances arise. They always do.
USB Cords/Cell Phone Chargers
How many times have you rooted through the junk in your glove compartment in frantic search of a charger for your phone? You’re using the directions feature to get to an important appointment, you’re already running late, right? And the phone battery is barely hanging on. “Why don’t you have a charger in your car?” You scream to yourself as you look under the seats in a last-ditch effort for some salvation. Take a moment right now to just put the charger in your car and know that it’s there, ready for you.
First Aid Kit
This is one of those “obvious” things that everybody knows they should have in their car, but how many people actually do? You know you might need one, but because you don’t plan on using one, it just gets pushed down on your priorities list until you just forget about it. Don’t do that. First aid kits are easy to find and cheap to buy. Get a nice travel size one and store it in a tiny compartment where you know where to find it in a hurry.
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Baby Wipes
Moms always need baby wipes. Baby wipes (they’re not just for wiping babies by the way) are essential for every on-the-go mom’s car. This is separate from the wipes you carry in your bag. You should always have wipes that you only keep in the car. The reason is that you want to be sure those wipes will always be there when you need them. If you take your wipes out of the car, there is no guarantee they’ll return, so do both.

Hand Sanitizer, Sanitizing Wipes, and Disposable Gloves
Now more than ever, this feels true, but even without the current pandemic, hand sanitizer is a crucial item to keep with you while traveling. Kids pick up germs everywhere, so it’s really important to have a reliable source of hand sanitizer available whenever you go out. It’s especially important during the cold and flu season. Different from baby wipes, sanitizing wipes are important for the same reasons as hand sanitizer. The difference is that sanitizing wipes can take out germs and bacteria on surfaces you touch whenever you go out.
Gloves are really helpful to have on hand at a moment’s notice. Sometimes you will find it easier to use gloves than to constantly wash or sanitize your hands. Not all the time, but you will experience times when one is more useful than the other, so you want to make sure you keep them handy in just such a situation.
Hand cream
Always have hand cream available to access any and every time you get in the car. It’s good for your skin and it improves the feel of the steering wheel. Hand cream nicely balances the drying effect that hand sanitizer and other sanitizing materials have on your skin. Hand cream will become a ritual for you. Trust me. It will be one of your favorite things to keep in your car from now on.

One part of an emergency kit that is really easy to forget about is blankets. Blankets are such a simple and multi-functional tool that you must keep at least one in your trunk at all times. It’s one of those things to keep in your car that always pays off when you end up away from home on a chilly night. Whether you’ve stranded on the side of the road or your kids need something comfy to rest on. Blankets are invaluable to any on-the-go mom.