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I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend, were good to your father’s and husbands, and spent Sunday relaxing and recuperating.

I had an idea to start Milk Mondays where I will talk about something relating to breastfeeding.  It can be a question I received from a  friend or reader, or an issue I’ve had in the past.  Anything.  If you have something you would like me to discuss just shoot me  a message!  I am more than happy to help 🙂

This week, I will talk about Yogi Woman’s Nursing Support Tea.


If you read my blog or if you personally know me you know that I am doing the whole extended breastfeeding thing.  Don’t ask me how long I plan to breastfeed because I really do not know.  I am hoping to stop by the time mini me is two.  During my whole nearly 15 months of breastfeeding I have gone through several ups and downs as far as my milk supply goes, therefore, I’ve tried different things to increase my supply – from taking galactogogues, to increasing my pumping sessions and drinking more water.

While in my local Associated Supermarket a few weeks ago, I came across Yogi Tea Woman’s Nursing Support. It was on-sale for $2.99 so I purchased it. I’ve used galactogogues before, such as Mother’s Milk tea, Fenugreek Tea and/or capsule, and More Milk Plus capsules, so drinking this wasn’t a problem.

If you’ve tasted Mother’s Milk tea, you will have come familiar with the flavor of the Yogi Woman’s Nursing Support tea.  The flavor is similar, but better.  It is a lot more smooth, and less licorice-like.   Sometimes I mixed it with chamomile tea, too.

As far as milk production goes, the Yogi Woman’s Nursing Support tea has done nothing.  I basically drink it because I like the way it tastes.  Other than that, it has been pretty much useless.   I will not repurchase.  Good thing it was only $2.99.  I will stick with what worked for me, which is the Fenugreek tea or capsules.

What do you do to maintain your supply?
Happy Milking 🙂