Having a baby can be overwhelming for any new parent. Even for me as a mom of two, I can tell you that feeling doesn’t change. Finding the right baby video monitor with Lumi by Pampers has helped in so many ways! I’m excited to share my review of the Lumi Baby Monitor and Sleep System to share how it’s helped make sure my baby is getting the best sleep she can.
Related: Baby Registry Checklist: Essentials for Baby – First Three Months
Although I love finally having another baby around, after 9 years it means getting reacclimated to what it’s like taking care of one. Sleepless nights, diaper changes, and what seems like round the clock nursing sessions are all the things I had to adjust to as a new mom. This time around, thanks to the many advancements in technology such as the Lumi by Pampers Video Baby Monitor and Sleep System, staying on top of my 8-month-old daughter’s sleep schedule is a lot easier than it was 9 years ago. Having this sleep system is a big help, as I am experiencing all that anxiety of a first-time mom all over again, on top of my unforgiving full-time mom and full-time work schedule.
Many of us face similar struggles every day and strive to incorporate a nurturing and protective environment for our babies. Sometimes, especially in those first few months, it’s hard to make smart calls while you’re just trying to make sense of everything. Lumi by Pampers can help.
I’ve used Pampers for years because of their 60+ year legacy. They combined their experience with new innovative technology that, as a “born again” parent, it was only natural for me to try with Baby #2. The purpose of Pampers’ latest innovation is to support growing families to navigate the newness a baby brings. The Lumi is an all-in-one system that easily attaches to their special diapers to monitor and sense the baby’s activities like wet diapers, wake time, and sleep.
Safe Sleep Tips for Babies
Sleep is one of those things that becomes elusive when you have a newborn. In the beginning, you are waking several times in the evening for feedings and diaper changes. Trust me. I know how tempting it is to want to bring the baby in the bed with you so that you can get better rest. However, it isn’t the safest. Safe sleep is essential for babies and parents. Babies need a safe sleep environment so that they can thrive and grow. A well-rested baby means a happy baby. A happy baby means a happy household. With working at home full-time and assisting my 9-year-old through her distance learning, we all need our rest. Otherwise, none of us will make it through the day.
Early on, with Baby #2, I learned the importance of establishing a routine. Incorporating a smart video baby monitor like Lumi by Pampers has helped me keep track of everything from sleep, feedings, and diaper changes. All of these things, when tracked and analyzed together, can help parents like me develop tighter routines for their babies.
For instance, each night at 7:00 p.m. on the dot, Baby #2 says good night to her dad and sister, and then she gets a bath. After that, I read her a story while I breastfeed her to sleep. Prior to using Lumi, I only guessed the time she would fall asleep after our routine. Through using the Lumi sensor, I now know not only the time she is most likely to go to bed but also when she wakes up in the morning. Through the Weekly Insights provided through the Lumi app, I’ve learned that the time I began her nightly routine is aligned with what Dr. Canapari, a pediatric sleep specialist, recommends starting bedtime for babies her age. Yes, I am doing something right!
Sleep time for babies is as important as it is for mom and dad. Safe practices are essential because babies can’t take care of themselves or protect themselves during sleep. It’s crucial to make sure they are secure and have plenty of air to breathe, with nothing in their way. As you begin to work on your baby’s sleep routine, remember these critical steps for your baby’s health and safety.
Can Breastfeeding Help Baby’s Sleep?
As a second time breastfeeding mom, I know the importance of breastfeeding as it relates to a baby’s overall health and safety. Did you know that breastfeeding is recommended during the first six months of a baby’s life in order to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)? In addition to all the other benefits provided by breastfeeding, knowing that I can reduce my daughter’s risk of SIDS through simply breastfeeding her is why I do it.
As a breastfeeding mom, I don’t feel left out using Lumi by Pampers, as the app allows me to track feedings whether I’m nursing or using a bottle. The cool thing about the app, I’m pretty sure other breastfeeding moms can appreciate this, is that it helps you remember which side to nurse from next. That’s a tough thing to remember on your own whether you’re a veteran breastfeeding mom or you are just starting out.
Just getting a baby to bed is complicated and so important when mom and dad work full-time. We take all the help we can get in making every night more routine and predictable, thanks to Lumi. Life is too busy at our home to be interrupted or slowed down by a bad system. Even with working from home and distance learning for my oldest, we need proper rest and a good routine to run like the well-oiled machine we’ve become.
Should Babies Sleep on Their Back?
According to the CDC, “There are about 3,500 sleep-related deaths among US babies each year.“ SIDS is the number one reason why we are so careful about how we put our baby down for the night. Besides breastfeeding, having the baby sleep on his/her back is the best thing you can do to promote safe sleep. You want their airways to be clear so their breathing is unobstructed. Ensure the baby’s sleep surface is firm and flat and that it fits snuggly in a safety-approved crib. With the baby on his/her back, attach the velcro monitor to their diaper before clothing them. The monitor will provide you with valuable information to help tighten up your baby’s sleep routine.
Can Babies Sleep with Blankets?
As tempting as it is to provide soft fluffy surroundings, it is hazardous to your baby’s health. The cute pillows, blankets, and toys are great for decoration; however, they should be removed from your baby’s sleep area while they’re asleep. Yes, that means where my baby sleeps is pretty boring. This is done to ensure she rests safely. It’s also one less thing for me to worry about allowing me to get more rest or tend to something else as she sleeps. But that doesn’t mean I’m not listening in and watching her via the Lumi by Pampers Smart Baby Monitor on the app.
The best way to make sure the baby is comfortable is by keeping her dry. A wet diaper can ruin a good night’s sleep. You also need to know that the baby has fed enough, a common concern for first-time moms. The best way to approach both of these concerns is by monitoring the number of soiled diapers with Lumi diapers + sensor help, which automatically tracks wet diapers and you can even turn on notifications if you want. Unfortunately, you still have to sniff for the poopy ones. When you change a diaper, the status updates automatically, which is great because the less thinking I have to do at 2:00 am, the better.
The Lumi by Pampers diaper sensor attaches with velcro. Trust me, it hasn’t budged once since I’ve used it and I have a pretty active 8-month old. The Lumi sensor has passed safety regulation and testing to ensure that it isn’t a choking risk and is in line with the AAP safe sleep principles. That means you don’t need to remove it while the baby is sleeping.
Keep a Fan Going
Air circulation is crucial to infant safety while sleeping. Making sure there is nothing to obstruct breathing is only part of the solution. You also need to make sure your baby’s sleeping area is properly ventilated, so the air around the baby’s space continuously moves. A small fan near the crib or bassinet will do the trick. To ensure proper airflow, remove any loose items from your baby. That includes hats or headbands as well as blankets. Covering your baby’s head during sleep is not only a breathing hazard but can also cause the baby to overheat. The great thing about the Lumi by Pampers Smart Video Baby monitor is that it provides the temperature of the baby’s nursery. This is helpful for adjusting the thermostat and/or the baby’s clothing.
Sleep with One Eye Open
The anxiety felt during pregnancy, and then as a new parent doesn’t end. From experience, I know that once the baby is home, my anxiety levels increase, especially while we both sleep. Is she okay? Is she breathing? Those are the things that run through my mind and many new parents’ minds while we try to get rest before the next feeding or diaper change. To help with this, it is recommended that babies should sleep in a crib or bassinet during the first six months to a year. Having the baby closer offers a convenience I can’t put a price on.
Speaking of convenience, the Lumi by Pampers Smart Baby Monitor offers peace of mind by providing a crystal clear view of my baby as she peacefully rests when I am not around.
Lumi by Pampers Ultimate Bundle combines a state-of-the-art Wifi video baby monitor with the new-to-the-world infant sleep tracking technology. The combo pairs proprietary analytics with your baby’s routines, helping you find a rhythm, and promoting better sleep. Their all-new Smart Sleep Set System goes one step further by integrating pediatrician-backed sleep coaching with the Lumi 24/7 sleep tracking and insights. This helps you as a parent know where and how to intervene to nurture your baby’s sleep!
Tracking Development with Lumi by Pampers Video Baby Monitor App + Smart Sleep System
The Lumi app allows me to be a better hands-on parent without having to drop everything. It gives me growth insights and tells me what to expect as my baby continues to develop. The Wonder Weeks feature on the app is incredibly helpful in showing how to prepare for changing stages of growth, such as being extra clingy, and what they can learn at eight months, and so on. It even includes tips for comforting her and helping her enjoy her environment during developmental changes based on her age.
Related: Baby Registry Checklist: Essentials for Baby – First Three Months
Lumi has the best video baby monitor app! I can check on my 8-month old from anywhere without losing the signal with the Wi-fi monitor. It also uses background audio, which means I can hear my baby even when I have other apps open on my phone. That means I can enjoy a few moments before bed catching up on my favorite shows and still monitor my baby’s breathing with no interruptions…unless she needs me. I can even add caregivers, such as my husband, grandma, etc., which is great since most families are unable to meet up in person these days.
The Lumi by Pampers Baby Monitor + Sleep Kit includes a monitor, sleep sensor, unlimited access to the Lumi app, and ten days of Pampers Sleep Sensor Diapers for $299. It can be purchased here.
Related: My List of Most Used Baby Products During the First Three Months
I could have used the Pampers Lumi Smart Baby Monitor sleep kit bundle 9 years ago with my oldest. It would have saved me a lot of stress that not having a sleep routine brings. Lumi by Pampers has a crystal clear HD 1080p video stream, even at night. I get crisp audio like nothing that was around when I had my first, and it’s all securely encrypted and streams to my phone wherever I am. Best of all, the Lookback feature records a minute of video every day of my baby’s highlights for me to look back on. I can choose to keep it to myself or share it with my family.
Always Practice Safe Sleep
Although video baby monitors help parents like me who get anxious over their baby’s safety while they’re not in the same space, it doesn’t remove the need for parents and caregivers to practice safe sleep. The best way to prevent sleep-related accidents or deaths is to follow the AAP recommendations for safe sleep. For your convenience, I’ve put together this printable checklist of safe sleep recommendations.

Everyone who cares for your baby should know the ways to reduce the risk of SIDS and sleep-related infant deaths. Make sure you print it out for everyone who cares for your baby knows how to ensure safe sleep.