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Just in time for the summer road trips, we are sharing car safety tips I learned while attending the Nissan Bloggin’ Mamas Safety Academy.

The weather is finally heating up, and the final days of school are near, which means summer is right around the corner.  Kids will be out of school, and more families will be on the road doing all of the fun things they could not do during the school year like road trips to beaches, pools, amusement parks, and more. But, before you get out there to enjoy your fun in the sun, and to ensure you reach your destination safely check out the car safety tips below.

Make Sure Everyone is Safely Secure in their Seats

It is a no-brainer that we should always wear our seatbelts, as they reduce the risk of serious crash-related deaths and injuries by 50-percent. This safety measure extends to our children as well. I know that as kids grow older we’d prefer to not have car seats or booster seats taking up space in the rear or having to lug safety seats during travel, but it is extremely important for kids to be in a car seat or booster until they meet the height and weight requirements. They’re more likely to be injured in a car accident due to not having the proper restraints.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children be in rear-facing car seats until at least age 2, but always check the height and weight recommendations of the car seat manufacturer. Additionally, kids should not move to the front seat until after age 13.

Pay Attention. Keep Your Eyes on the Road!

During the Nissan Bloggin’ Mamas Safety Academy, we learned that of course things like cell phones are distractions while driving, but our kids can be too. In fact, they are 12 times more distracting to the driver than talking on a cell phone while driving.

Both my husband and I can attest to that since we’ve experienced our daughter asking for things or for us to look at something she’s doing while we were driving. Oh, and let’s not forget the “Mommy/Daddy, [insert object] fell. Can you get it for me please?”

Check car seats for expiration dates

All car seats come with expiration dates, as the integrity of the plastic from which the seats are made is lost.  These expiration dates are usually 6 years from the date of manufacture. Before heading out on the road check for the expiration date.

Secure Loose Objects

Did you know that an unsecured car seat can become a projectile in an accident? I didn’t either. In order to prevent this, Nissan suggested securing the car seat with a seatbelt whenever your child is not in the car with you.

Double Check Your Car for your Kids

The heat of the summer is here! Temperatures inside of a car during the hot summer months can reach a scorching 125 degrees. Always remember to check your car for your kids, as they are more susceptible to heat stroke. I know, we are busy, in a rush, and have a lot on our minds, but taking a few seconds to glance in your back seat can save a life – your child’s life.

Always check the backseat, especially during hot months. #NissanMamas #NissanDiversity


TIP: Keep something you need in the backseat. Put your cell phone, briefcase, computer, lunch, ID badge, left shoe, or anything essential to your daily routine in your backseat next to your child.


Prevent car breakdowns. Check for Recalls.

One of my biggest fears is having my car break down while driving with my daughter in the car. This can be prevented if you adhere to vehicle maintenance schedules and by checking your car for recalls. Checking for recalls is especially important for people with older vehicles. You can visit http://nhtsa.gov/recalls and use your vehicle’s VIN to see if there are any open recalls for your vehicle.

Whenever you are out on the road this summer with your family, remember these car safety tips, they can help make sure your summer is fun and safe!

Thank you to Nissan and Bloggin’ Mamas for sharing helpful car safety tips at the Bloggin’ Mamas Safety Academy. I enjoyed learning about the do’s and don’ts of driving with children, and test driving the latest SUVs from the Nissan fleet.

I was also happy to be reunited with the 2017 Pathfinder Platinum AWD. Hey, I think I’ve found my next car!

*This event was sponsored by Nissan in collaboration with Bloggin’ Mamas. All opinions are my own and are honest.