Month: April 2014

Making Baby #2: Round 3 of Clomid Results & IUI

The most recent round of Clomid (150 mg/5 days) did not produce as many follicles as the last time, but I did get two large follicles – one on each side. Since we didn’t have as many as last cycle, my RE scheduled us for an IUI. I apologize for the oil stains During our […] Read more…

Making Baby #2: The Journey Continues with more Clomid…

With five mature follicles, and my husband’s high sperm count you’d think I’d be pregnant right now, right? Wrong!  When we met with the RE at the beginning of my new cycle my first question was “So what happened?”  He said several things like sometimes the sperm just don’t meet the egg(s), and if it […] Read more…