Month: July 2022

Printable packet of guides to help limit screen time and raise unplugged kids.

Benefits of Raising Unplugged Kids + Limiting Screen time

Teach your children the importance of taking a break from electronics while raising unplugged kids. These printables will keep your children occupied and entertained without relying on the iPads, Kindles, and other electronic devices commonly used. If you look forward to raising unplugged kids, you’re going to love these printables! What Does Unplugged Really Mean? […] Read more…

Amazon Prime Day is on July 12th. Bookmark this page to keep up with the best Amazon Prime Day deals for baby, home, travel, and more!

These Are The Best Amazon Prime Day Deals

Are you ready for Amazon Prime Day? Make sure you have an Amazon Prime subscription (click here to sign up) and bookmark this page to keep up with the best Amazon Prime Day deals for baby, home, travel, and more! Prime Day deals will begin on Tuesday, July 12. But you don’t have to wait […] Read more…

Clearwater Florida Beach Parking

Tips for Finding Parking at Florida’s Busiest Beaches

When you’re planning to visit some of Florida’s beautiful beaches, knowing how to find parking is a must. Because these beaches have much to offer, hundreds of people visit them each day, which means the parking lots tend to get crowded. If you’re hoping to avoid frustration while enjoying a trip to the beach, use […] Read more…

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