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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #KYTrySomethingNew #CollectiveBias

The holidays are the busiest times of the year.  It’s during this time that we tend to get lost in wish lists, shopping and planning dinner menus, and sometimes at the expense of spending quality intimate time with our significant others. Sometimes the most romantic thing you can do for your sweetheart is to help tone down the stress of the season. I’ve put together 12 Days of Romance that includes simple, yet thoughtful ways to add romance, passion and fun back into your life with the help of K-Y® Yours+Mine® Couples Lubricants®.



First day of Romance
Leave your love a handwritten love note sharing your fondest memory, whether it’s the first time you’ve met, first date, etc. And then, let them know you’d love to do it all over again.
Second Day of Romance
Gift your loved one with a coupon redeemable for a night of relaxation, which can include a shower or bubble bath for two, and massage. Be sure to keep the K-Y® Yours+Mine® Couples Lubricants® nearby because you’re going to need it.

Third Day of Romance

Surprise him/her by meeting them for lunch.  If funds are tight bringing a pre-packed lunch is perfect. Remember, it’s the thought that counts.
Fourth Day of Romance
In advance, choose four locations to take your lover on a blind date: Drinks, Dinner, Dessert, and a surprise of your choosing. For this task, you will need a blindfold since you’ll be blindfolding your partner while escorting them to each location. Each location should be a surprise. Perhaps, pick their brain before hand to get an idea of places they’d wish to visit but haven’t yet made it to.

Fifth Day of Romance
Spend some time alone together. One night, clear the calendar and take the kids (if you have them) to grandma’s house. Before your spouse comes home, turn on some romantic music, have a bottle of champagne chilled, and rearrange the couch so that you can snuggle in front of the fireplace. If you don’t have a fireplace, turn the lights down and catch up on your favorite show together.  This would also be a good time to have the  K-Y® Yours+Mine® Couples Lubricants® on-hand, especially since the house is empty.
Sixth Day of Romance
Give your love a half dozen of their favorite flower, or if they have a preference for beer, a six-pack of their favorite brew should do the trick.
Seventh Day of Romance
Remember the fondest memory you shared on the First Day of Romance? We’re going to now recreate that memory. This may require some creativity depending on what you chose; however, if where you met or have gone on a date is local, be sure to make a reservation if needed, and ask your significant other to meet you there. Enjoy the date as if it were your first. If the location isn’t local try to recreate the meal and setting at home.
Eighth Day of Romance
Pick up four pairs of sexy undergarments for your significant other, and then ask him to model it for you.


Ninth Day of Romance
Leave a small gift inside of your love’s car.  My husband has left me many things before like perfume or chocolate.
Tenth Day of Romance
Create a playlist or CD of 10 of your favorite love songs, and gift them to your significant other. Think about incorporating Dr. Laura Berman’s intimacy tips for sparking things up in the bedroom.
Eleventh Day of Romance
Handwrite, paint or even screen print, and then frame the 11 reasons why you love him or her. And gift those reasons to them on this eleventh day of romance.

Grace Bay Beach Turks & Caicos


Twelfth Day of Romance
Pack your bags, honey, because we’re going on a trip! Surprise your honey with a trip to a place off of their bucket list or to a favorite vacation spot. My husband did this for me last year. I didn’t know where I was going until we checked-in at the airport. All he did was inform me to pack my bags with clothes for warm weather.


While you’re crossing off items from your holiday shopping list remember to add K-Y® Yours+Mine® Couples Lubricants® to your list, too.  Just like when I purchased our K-Y® Yours+Mine® Couples Lubricants®, you can also use this $2 off one K-Y® product coupon while shopping at Walmart. You can find it in the family planning section near the pharmacy.

Remember to check out K-Y® on Facebook.

What would you add to your 12 Days of Romance?

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #KYTrySomethingNew #CollectiveBias