Month: March 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Mini Me!

The picture above sums up my feelings on motherhood: LOVE.  The love I felt when I held my daughter is something I could never explain. If you ask another mother they will know exactly how you felt. Three years ago today I became a MOM! Being a mom is something that I’ve always wanted, and I wouldn’t trade it […] Read more…

The Influenster #JadoreVoxBox is Filled With Beauty Products You’ll Adore

Disclosure:  Products were received for free for review consideration courtesy of Influenster. The Influenster #JadoreVoxBox was influenster’s Valentine’s Day gift box; however, I received mine after Valentine’s Day.  Don’t worry, I had a Valentine anyway 🙂 The Influenster #JadoreVoxBox contains everything you need to get ready for your Valentine’s Day date night like a beauty […] Read more…

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