Month: January 2014

Know Your Body: How to Count Cycle Days

I think we have all learned about the reproductive cycle in health class, and perhaps some things about the birds and the bees from our parents, siblings or friends; however, I’ve noticed through my participation on TTC boards, that there are a lot of women who are confused about how to count cycle days.  I’m not […] Read more…

Review: Herbal Essences Naked Collection Volumizing Kit @HerbalEssences #Spon

Disclosure: The Walmart gift card and information have been provided by  Herbal Essences This past weekend I finally decided to use the Herbal Essences Naked Collection Volumizing Kit on my daughter’s hair after she had taken out her protective style of long “poetic justice” box braids.  Usually after taking out a protective style like braids or weaves, it’s good […] Read more…

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