13 Things You Should Know Before Starting IVF

Starting the process of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a huge decision and should never be made on a whim. The commitment required not only of your body but of your time, energy, mental health, and finances are real and sometimes intense. Here is what you should know before starting IVF.  Related: What Is In […] Read more…

Every pregnancy is different. It can be uneventful or scary. I'm sharing 5 Things I Experienced During This Pregnancy like having a short cervix & a bleed.

5 Things I Experienced During This Pregnancy

Every pregnancy is different. Some are easy and uneventful. While some pregnancies can be hard physically, mentally and emotionally. This pregnancy, although I dealt with everything that was thrown at me with grace, it wasn’t at all easy. I am sharing 5 Things I Experienced During this Pregnancy.   RELATED: My Experience Being 35 and […] Read more…

Frozen Embryo Transfers although they can be stressful for various reasons. I'm sharing my experience on my transfer day.

Making Baby #2: My Frozen Embryo Transfer Experience

Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET), although they can be stressful for various reasons, in and of itself, are supposed to be easy breezy. However, my experience was everything but that.  Related: Making Baby #2: My Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle Protocol  My transfer day, which was a holiday, meant my daughter was home from school. Therefore, I […] Read more…

Making Baby #2: My Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle Protocol

Due to developing a mild case of OHSS, my doctor switched me from doing a fresh embryo transfer to a frozen embryo transfer (FET).  After my egg retrieval, my eggs were fertilized and then frozen once the embryos grew to either day five or day six blastocysts. I ended up with 11 total frozen embryos. […] Read more…

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