car tips

Prevent Pothole Damage When Driving on Long Island Roads #TakeOnPotholes

Prevent Pothole Damage When Driving on Long Island Roads

Although so-called pothole season came to an end on May 1st I’m still suffering. My morning and evening commutes are everything short of smooth; it’s full of bumps and jolts. I am dodging potholes on Long Island roadways, parkways and streets left and right. I joke with my husband that it is like dodging landmines, especially […] Read more…

Spring Cleaning Tips to Get Your Car Road Trip Ready

Spring Cleaning Tips to Get Your Car Road Trip Ready

Yay! Spring is here, which means lots of rain showers to usher in beautiful flowers, and of course, spring cleaning season. Recently, I shared on Instagram an image of my clean and neatly organized trunk. I’m a Virgo, which means I like my things in order, especially when it comes to my car because it […] Read more…

Tips to Prevent Your Kids from Ruining Your New Car

Prevent Your Kids from Ruining Your New Car

It has been nearly six months since having my new SUV, and I am proud to say that the interior still looks and smells like a new car. With kids, it is sometimes hard to keep the car interior clean, but with these tips and the help of Diono car accessories, you can prevent your […] Read more…