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Barcelona holds a special place in our hearts, ranking high among our favorite destinations as a couple. Its beauty, walkability, and abundance of activities never failed to charm us. And let’s not forget about the food – every meal was a delight! Being aware of Spain’s, particularly Valencia’s, renowned paella, I couldn’t resist immersing myself in the authentic culinary experience. So, what did we do next? Well, I promptly enrolled both my husband and myself in a paella cooking class to master an authentic paella recipe. And let me tell you, it was an adventure worth every moment.

Related: One Week Getaway in Barcelona, Spain – What We Did in 7 Days

We Learned How to Make Authentic Paella in Barcelona, Spain {Recipe}

What Is Paella?

Paella is a rice dish combining meats, beans, and seasonings. This well-known dish has an ancient history, originating in Valencia, Spain. Valencian paella, AKA the O.G. paella, consists of round grain white rice called Senia, green beans (bajoqueta and tavella), meat (chicken and rabbit, sometimes duck), garrofó (a variety of lima beans or butterbeans), sometimes snails or seasonal ingredients like artichokes. Saffron and rosemary are also used to season this tasty dish. Paella, however, can be made using various meats, seafood, or vegetables.

Did You Know? Paella is a Valencian word for pan. The dish gets its name from the pan its made in.
Did You Know? Paella is a Valencian word for pan. The dish gets its name from the pan it’s made in.

The authentic paella recipe my husband and I learned originates from the mid-19th century on the east coast of Spain and showcases a distinctive rice variety: bomba. This bomba rice revolutionizes the dish, as it’s less susceptible to overcooking, ensuring a perfect texture every time. After relishing our creation, we made a point to stock up on bomba rice before departing Barcelona. We were excited to reproduce the flavors and techniques we’d mastered, bringing a piece of our paella-making adventure back home with us.

Marta Amb Tu Cuinem Paella Cooking Class Marta Cooking

How Did I Find the Paella Cooking Class?

Discovering the perfect paella cooking class in Barcelona was a breeze. I turned to TripAdvisor, where glowing reviews led me to Marta Amb Tu Cuinem. After browsing her engaging Facebook page and reaching out via email, I felt reassured about booking her class. It was a seamless process that left me eagerly anticipating the authentic paella recipe and the many other exciting things to do in Barcelona.

Marta Amb Tu Cuinem Paella Cooking Class Marta Cooking Paella

What We Liked About Marta’s Paella Cooking Class

One standout feature of Marta’s Paella Cooking Class in Barcelona was her profound understanding of this iconic dish and its importance in Spanish cuisine. Under Marta’s guidance, we delved into paella’s rich history, exploring the traditional Valencian method, which prioritizes meat and vegetables over seafood.

Authentic Paella is Hard to Come By

Despite Barcelona’s status as a culinary hotspot, Marta also illuminated the difficulty of locating an authentic paella in the city. Marta’s expertise significantly deepened our comprehension of paella, enriching our cooking adventure amidst the multitude of activities in Barcelona.

How to make authentic paella

I like that Marta keeps her classes small; 10 people or five couples are allowed per class. We were assigned tasks such as cutting vegetables or seafood, cleaning dishes, and cooking the seafood paella.

In Barcelona, vibrant markets teem with fresh seafood, colorful vegetables, and luscious fruits. Marta seized the opportunity offered by this culinary treasure trove, carefully handpicking the finest ingredients from these local markets before our paella cooking class. Her dedication to sourcing only the freshest produce guaranteed that our authentic paella recipe would be nothing short of exceptional. We meticulously selected every component, from succulent seafood to crisp vegetables—there wasn’t a canned or frozen item in sight. Marta’s commitment extended to crafting homemade fish stock from scratch, enhancing our culinary experience amidst the myriad of things to do in Barcelona.

How to make authentic paella ingredients

Of course, after helping to make the paella, the best part was eating it. We could definitely taste the freshness of the gambas (shrimp) and other seafood and vegetables.

Are you feeling hungry yet? I bet those mouthwatering paella photos have caught your eye. I’m excited to share Marta’s authentic paella recipe with you so you can recreate the magic at home. But let me tell you, while cooking it solo can be delightful, there’s nothing quite like experiencing the camaraderie of whipping up this Spanish masterpiece with a group of fellow enthusiasts. Just imagine sipping wine, soaking in panoramic rooftop views of Barcelona, and bonding over a steaming pot of paella. It’s an experience that captures the essence of Barcelona’s vibrant culinary scene and is a must-do among the myriad things to do in Barcelona. As for us, we’re already planning our return to Marta’s Paella Cooking Class – it’s an adventure we’d gladly embark on again!

Check out Marta on Facebook and TripAdvisor

Authentic Paella Recipe (Pin it)

Learn how to make authentic paella with this recipe

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