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Give the gift of a wonderful experience that leads to lasting memories of time spent bonding with loved ones. Use these Experience Gift Ideas for Families to help inspire you on the many things to do with your children.

Graduation Experience Gift Ideas Give the gift of a wonderful experience that leads to lasting memories of time spent bonding with loved ones. Use these Experience Gift Ideas for Families to help inspire you on the many things to do with your children.

When thinking about giving gifts to the people around us, we often think about physical items. And while those items may be a nice gesture, there is something far more special about offering the gift of an incredible experience than something that a person might outgrow or no longer use one day. 

For example, when you give the gift of experience to your children, you’re making memories with them that can last a lifetime. In addition, you’re bonding with your loved ones and spending that much-needed quality time together, which makes a difference in your life and the lives of those you love.

What Are Experience Gifts?

Experience gifts are the types of gifts that encourage people to get together to do something. When you’re giving the gift of an experience, you’re taking the physical object out of the equation and finding something meaningful to do with someone in your life, whether your partner or your children. Quality time is far more important than any inanimate object you can find at the store.

What to Expect When Using This Printable

While using this printable, you’ll have plenty of fresh and exciting ideas for experience gifts. If you’ve always said, “I’d love to have more experiences but don’t know what to do with the kids,” this printable is perfect for you. You don’t have to worry about coming up with ideas because they’re already presented to you. The only thing you’ll need to do is decide which experiences you’d like to do first. You can even make a bucket list or to-do list consisting of the experiences you’d like to have in order of importance.

Are These Experiences Expensive?

This printable includes a lengthy list of all kinds of experiences, some of which will cost more than others. The great news is that there are plenty of budget-friendly options available on the list, including having a lunch date with mom and dad, going on a tree climbing adventure, or even roller-skating together while taking in all the great views around you. Of course, a few other experiences on this list may cost a bit of money, such as buying tickets to attend a concert together or taking a trip to the zoo. However, these are just a bunch of excellent ideas for you to choose based on what you’d like to do and what you can afford to do with your family.

If you have more than one child at home, print out these coupon pages for each of them. You can also customize the different experiences you're offering to them based on what they like.

How to Use the Experience Gift Ideas for Families

Using these experience pages is quite simple. First, you’ll want to print the coupon book out. Once you’ve printed it, you can cut out each piece, placing the name of the person receiving the coupon book at the top where it says, “This Coupon Book Belongs To: (Name Here).” Next, you’ll want to add an experience to each of the coupon pages. Make sure you’re selecting experiences that you feel your children will love and that you can afford. You don’t want to overpromise and underdeliver because that can have a negative impact on a child of any age.

If you have more than one child at home, print out these coupon pages for each of them. You can also customize the different experiences you’re offering to them based on what they like. For example, if one child has wanted to go to a concert forever, you might want to provide this experience to them.

What lesson does this teach children?

When you offer a coupon book full of different experiences for children to choose from, you’re teaching them that material things aren’t the most crucial thing in life. Instead, spending quality time with loved ones is far more important. In addition, you’re teaching your children the importance of spending time together as a family, bonding, and enjoying one another’s company. One day, your children will be adults and can pass these types of experiences on to their children and so forth to make amazing memories.

How do I keep the printed coupons in good condition?

If you have any possible concerns that these coupons could get destroyed before your children have had time to use them, laminate them or glue them to a folder. If you laminate them, it keeps them protected and prevents damage from water, rips, and more. Of course, if you don’t have a way to laminate them at home, you can glue them to a folder or something similar to keep them in order.

Can I add other experiences to these coupons?

Of course, you can add any experiences you personally prefer to the printed coupons. The ones included in this printable are merely suggestions that can give you some fresh, innovative ideas on things to do with the kids to keep them entertained and happy. However, you can add other experiences to the coupons to offer more custom-tailored experiences.

When is it best to give experience gifts?

You can give experience gifts whenever you want to! They’re great to give as a gift for birthdays, graduations, and even good behavior. If you’d rather give experiences instead of loads of gifts at Christmas because you know your kids will only play with the items for a few weeks before forgetting about them, you can also give these coupon books to them during the holiday season. You can provide experience gifts whenever you want to and feel like it would be better than giving something more materialistic.

More Family Time Ideas

Give the gift of experience to your children to spend much-needed quality time together. Instead of material items, bond with them while making incredible memories that last a lifetime. Your children will have a blast as they try new things and spend hours entertained by various activities they can participate in with you and others, such as their siblings, other parents, and even their grandparents.

What experience gifts ideas for families would you add to this list? I’d love to hear what your family’s favorite things are to do together.