Where are my moms of toddlers? You know how crazy things can get when a toddler is added into the mix. They’re just so busy. I’m going through that right now. I am juggling an active 17-month-old and a 10-year-old. Plus, I am working from home. To keep me sane I’ve come up with a toddler schedule so we can have productive days during the summer months. It’s important that I keep my kids busy and on schedule, especially the toddler.
Related: Save Money and Make Memories with these Summer Bucket List Activities
I am sure you also want to make the most of these summer months while at home with your toddler. You know that they can keep you on your feet, but you’re likely running out of good ideas for things to do to keep them entertained. Toddlers don’t always have the longest attention spans, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time by providing them with plenty of fun activities to do. This printable Summer Toddler Schedule and Bucket List will help get your little ones on an ideal schedule without running out of things to do with them!

Use the Summer Toddler Schedule to Keep Things Going Smoothly
The toddler schedule is what you can use to try keeping things in order. Of course, some days may turn out easier than others, but don’t get discouraged. If you stick with the schedule, your children will get the hang of it in no time, and they’ll look forward to following the routine that you’ve created.
You can use the summer schedule example sheet that consists of different details, including when to get up each day, what time you’ll head outside to play with the kids, and when they’ll have their lunch or take a nap. The printable may inspire you to set specific times for different activities, such as fingerpainting, having a picnic together, or preparing dinner for the night.
While the example schedule works well for some households, not everyone has the same things going on at home. If you can’t use the example schedule, get creative and create one that can work better for you and your children.

Create a Custom Toddler Schedule That Works Best in Your House
Use the printable to create the perfect summer schedule for your toddlers. You can add items to the list for each time slot, depending on what you’d like to do at those specific times. For example, you may want to get up at 8 AM, prepare breakfast, and sit down together to eat it while relaxing. By the time it’s 10 AM, you’re likely looking forward to getting the kids out to do something, such as playing with a sprinkler on a hot day or playing tag in the backyard.

Your Kids Will Quickly Fall into a Routine
When you start doing these different things at specific times of the day each day of the week, your kids will get used to it. It’s sort of like what happens when they start school. They get accustomed to waking up early in the morning, eating breakfast, and then going to class for several hours at a time. With the schedule you’re creating, your children will quickly get familiar with being up by a particular time, having breakfast, and then participating in the activities that you’ve planned out for them.
Try Doing One Thing a Day on the Bucket List
I got the idea for a bucket list because I wanted to keep my toddler busy. I “built” a toddler-friendly water park using a splash pad and water table. My toddler loves music and she’ll dance as soon as she hears it. Dance parties are a daily thing because it helps with getting her to bed and down quickly for nap time. If you put all of this together, you get a fantastic summer schedule and bucket list for toddlers.
Related: Fun Outdoor Toys for Kids to Buy Right Now
Remember to use the convenient bucket list that includes many toddler-friendly activities worth trying to do this summer. You can buy different supplies to get some of these items scratched off your bucket list.
- For example, you might want to get a kite from the dollar store and take it to a local park where you’d get to fly it with the kids.
- Also, you could get some blank canvases and fingerpaint, allowing the children to paint in the backyard to create decorative pieces. The opportunities for fun and excitement are endless.
You Don’t Have to Spend Money to Have a Good Time
The activities featured on the bucket list are ideal for toddlers for several reasons. First, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to complete these activities. Second, some of the activities are free, such as having a water fight, making play dough together, or going on a nature walk as a family. However, each activity benefits young children differently, whether through exercise, creative play, or arts and crafts.
Have Fun with Your Toddlers on a Schedule That Meets Everyone’s Needs
Focus on having fun with your toddlers this summer while using the Summer Schedule and Bucket List for Toddlers. The printable allows you to follow an example schedule, set a schedule of your own based on what works best for you, your partner, and the children, and stay entertained with plenty of fun ideas. Then, you can work on getting through that bucket list this summer while making the most memories with your little ones.
Related: The Best Toddler Toys for Learning Through Creative Imaginative Play
These are the times they won’t forget, but most importantly, they’re the times you’ll cherish in years to come.