Travel Tips

When traveling, most people think about packing the right outfits, shoes, and toiletries. Then there are people like me who pack a travel medicine bag for those "just in case" moments. Packing the medications you may need, especially when traveling abroad relieves the stress of finding and figuring out what a comparable medication is in a place foreign to you. With these things in mind, below is a list of essentials I pack in my travel medicine bag

My “Just In Case” Medicine Bag for Travel

When traveling, most people think about packing the right outfits, shoes, and toiletries. Then there are people like me who pack a travel medicine bag for those “just in case” moments. Packing the medications you may need, especially when traveling abroad relieves the stress of finding and figuring out what a comparable medication is in […] Read more…

Things to Bring with You When You Travel MIRALax

Things to Bring with You When You Travel

I have a confession. Traveling for me is not always fun and games for one simple reason: I suffer from occasional constipation when I travel. I have this thing about using bathrooms that are not familiar to me, and not to mention my drinking and eating habits usually change when I travel, especially when we […] Read more…

10 Tips for Visiting Disney’s Magic Kingdom

10 Tips for Visiting Disney’s Magic Kingdom

For our daughter’s sixth birthday we surprised her with a trip to Disney’s Magic Kingdom. She had been asking to go since her fourth birthday, but six seemed like the best age to take her since she would be able to enjoy the park and rides more and remember actually visiting the Magic Kingdom. Having […] Read more…

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