Month: June 2021

Things to pack on a vacation during a pandemic.

Safe Travel Tips: Navigating Travel Through COVID Restrictions

Traveling in 2021 and beyond is likely to look a lot different; however, I have put together a few safe travel tips to help with your travels. There are many things to keep in mind. Beyond travel restrictions, you will need to consider country reopenings, test requirements, and/or vaccine requests. It may seem overwhelming at first but […] Read more…

You may be looking for reasons to choose an unmedicated birth. Personally, it is something I would do again.

Considering Unmedicated Birth? Here Are 7 Reasons You Should

Creating your birth plan can be a fun and exciting experience. If you’re to the point in your pregnancy when you are ready to put your plan to paper (around 32-36 weeks), congratulations! You’re almost there. Let’s talk about reasons to choose an unmedicated birth.  Related: I Would Do It Again! My Unmedicated Birth Story […] Read more…

Beach with White Sand Blue Water St. John U.S. Virgin Islands

Best Places to Travel If You Love the Beach

If you love the beach, then you’ll want to keep reading to see the best places I recommend traveling to. Between the sand, sun, and ocean, you can’t go wrong with relaxing and take a break from it all at one of these beaches. Having visited several of these places, I for one can tell you […] Read more…


13 Things You Should Know Before Starting IVF

Starting the process of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a huge decision and should never be made on a whim. The commitment required not only of your body but of your time, energy, mental health, and finances are real and sometimes intense. Here is what you should know before starting IVF.  Related: What Is In […] Read more…

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