Month: February 2020

Vaginal Delivery? Here’s a List of Postpartum Must Haves

Even though my experience with a vaginal delivery was nearly nine years ago, I vividly remember the things that made postpartum recovery easier. During the recovery period, in addition to being exhausted, I experienced so many things, such as bleeding and cramping, sore perineum, constipation, and more. At the time, to deal with these things, […] Read more…

During the month of  February, Black History is celebrated. Recognizing the notable achievements of African American men and women throughout history. We believe the best way for children to learn about the contributions made by African Americans in Science, Medicine, Civil Rights and more, should be taught not only during Black History Month but continuously. Plus, representation matters, especially in the books our children read.

Children’s Books to Read During Black History Month

During the month of  February, Black History is celebrated. Recognizing the notable achievements of African American men and women throughout history. We believe the best way for children to learn about the contributions made by African Americans in Science, Medicine, Civil Rights and more, should be taught not only during Black History Month but continuously. […] Read more…