Reproductive Endocrinologist

Stress and infertility: Does Calming Down Really Work? Studies show that while infertility causes stress, stress doesn’t cause infertility.

Stress and Infertility: Does Just Calming Down Really Work?

Many times throughout my journey to become a mother, I’ve heard it all. From “It’s God’s will.” to “Just calm down!” Although without ill intent, people will try to tell you that one of the reasons you’re having a difficult time conceiving is that you’re stressed, and you need to relax more. Yes, unsuccessful attempts […] Read more…

As someone who has dealt with infertility, I'm sharing tips on what to look for when searching for a reproductive endocrinologist.

What to Look for When Searching for a Reproductive Endocrinologist

Making the decision to meet with a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) is a big decision in itself.  You may have made this decision after struggling with infertility issues for some time. Or you simply would like to know your options for having children in the future. Either way, finding the best reproductive endocrinologist isn’t easy.  You […] Read more…

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