Fertility Health

Frozen Embryo Transfers although they can be stressful for various reasons. I'm sharing my experience on my transfer day.

Making Baby #2: My Frozen Embryo Transfer Experience

Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET), although they can be stressful for various reasons, in and of itself, are supposed to be easy breezy. However, my experience was everything but that.  Related: Making Baby #2: My Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle Protocol  My transfer day, which was a holiday, meant my daughter was home from school. Therefore, I […] Read more…

What I did to Ensure I had a Successful IVF Cycle that Can Help You

What I did to Ensure I had a Successful IVF Cycle

Just going through Invitro Fertilization (IVF) is stressful. Now, add in the fact that you don’t know the results all of the shots, sonograms, and time will yield. What you can do is prepare your mind and body to ensure you have a successful IVF cycle. With the help of friends and people in social […] Read more…

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