
While drinking extra fluids won't increase your breast milk supply, the key is staying hydrated. I drink Greater Than sports drink.

Staying Hydrated is Key to Increasing Breast Milk Supply

While pregnant, I was drilled on the importance of keeping hydrated. Dehydration during pregnancy can lead to cramping or preterm labor. Now that I am breastfeeding, the importance of remaining hydrated is the same, but for different reasons. Breast milk supply can wane if you’re dehydrated. As a breastfeeding mom, I know how important it […] Read more…

Black Breastfeeding Week: 8 Black Moms Share Their Breastfeeding Stories

Today kicks off the start of Black Breastfeeding Week (August 25 – August 31). You may ask, “Why designate an entire week to Black breastfeeding?” CDC data shows that although there has been an improvement in the number of Black babies being breastfed, rates of breastfeeding initiation, duration, and exclusivity are 10–20 percentage points lower among […] Read more…

This month’s BabbleBoxx has all the baby essentials new moms need from bathing to making feeding decisions to teething and cleaning.

BabbleBoxx Has All The Baby Essentials New Moms Need

I am six months into being a new mom. I still can’t believe that I have a baby! These past six months getting to know my baby as she grows have been a blessing. I enjoy our time bonding during feedings and bedtime routines. I’ve learned that having routines are essential for my baby’s growth […] Read more…

Breastfeeding Tips: Know the Basics of Pumping Breast Milk

Moms who are exclusively breastfeeding may need to pump breast milk occasionally. The reasons may vary from returning to work or going on a couple’s retreat. However, one thing remains the same: your baby needs to be fed in your absence. As a breastfeeding momma, pumping breast milk is the answer. But do you know […] Read more…

Breastfeeding & returning to work? Here are helpful tips to help you Survive Returning to Work helping make returning to work a little less stressful.

Tips for Breastfeeding Moms to Survive Returning to Work

I know from personal experience how hard it is returning to work after being with your baby 24/7. It’s especially harder when you’re exclusively breastfeeding (EBF). You will miss your baby. You may worry if he/she is being well taken care of. You may even worry that he/she has enough milk to sustain them while […] Read more…

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