
How to Choose the Best Pediatrician for Your Baby

How to Choose the Best Pediatrician for Your Baby

Trying to decide who will take care of your child when they are sick, injured, or growing can be a daunting task. This person will be an essential caregiver and overseer of your child’s health and wellness for the next 18 years. Where do you start when searching for a pediatrician? Here are some helpful […] Read more…

Triple Paste makes treating diaper rash is easy. Following these tips and using a diaper rash cream can help treat & prevent diaper rash.

4 Tips to Help Treat Diaper Rash and Prevent Future Outbreaks

I know I’ve said this before, and I must sound like a broken record, but it’s important to reinforce the sensitivity of our baby’s skin. I know we love when babies smell amazing, but using scented products – diapers, wipes, lotions, detergents – can affect their sensitive skin. Among the effects is diaper rash. Although […] Read more…

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