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This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.

TTC Secondary Infertility The Stork OTC

Nearly six years ago we welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our lives, and we knew that we wanted her to have a sibling, especially since both my husband and I aren’t only children.  When she was two and half years old – when the time was right for us – we began trying to conceive baby number two. Due to this thing called “secondary infertility”, we’ve been unsuccessful; however, we have not lost hope.  You see, these days there are so many options available for people who are trying to conceive, including those that can be done in the comfort of your own home like The Stork OTC.

Secondary Infertility Fact:
According to ‘Resolve,’ the National Infertility Association, 12% of women in the United States are dealing with secondary infertility. In addition, the National Center for Health Statistics released a report in 2013 estimating that approximately 3 million women of childbearing age in the US are experiencing secondary infertility.

What is “secondary infertility”?

Secondary infertility is defined as the inability to become pregnant or to carry a pregnancy to term, following the birth of one or more biological children. The birth of the first child does not involve any assisted reproductive technologies or fertility medications. Source: Resolve

Secondary infertility has meant early morning doctor’s appointments, needles, intrusive sonograms, IUI’s, and more. It has meant getting pregnant to only learn a few weeks later that there’s no heartbeat, and therefore, there will be no baby. Dealing with an unknown reason for not being able to give our daughter a sibling she has now asked for on countless occasions is just as stressful and upsetting as if we have never been pregnant before, but we have remained hopeful.

Secondary Infertility and the Baby Dance

One thing couples dealing with secondary infertility can agree on is that doing the “Baby Dance” or BD can become a timed and routine process. Couples have to make sure they are getting things done on the right day(s) at the right time. But, where’s the fun in that?

We know the goal is to BD on the days when we are most fertile so that we can increase our best chances of getting pregnant, but we can make it fun! Below are ways to maintain the romance in your relationship both in and outside of the bedroom while dealing with secondary infertility.

Out of sight. On the Mind.

 Do things for each other that shows your man/woman that you are thinking about them when you’re not together can be a turn-on. Small gestures like leaving a love note of ‘Thank You’ note in your spouse’s car or pocketbook, sending them flowers to work, or even flirty text messages can lead to hot BD sessions later on.

 Love Notes The Stork OTC

Foreplay begins outside of the bedroom

Face it both you and your partner are stressed. Yes, ladies, your spouse is just as stressed as you are so we have to help each other out by relieving stressors in their lives. Is there a chore that they normally do that is stressful or time-consuming that you can take on? If so, do it. Pitch in with cooking, cleaning, and/or doing the laundry, and as an incentive, use make out sessions, but don’t close the deal just yet. You have to build up to that.

Plan a Baby-making Moon

Since you are already tracking your most fertile days, it will be easy to plan a quick getaway or staycation around that time. Getting away can be just what the doctor ordered. You are away from daily stresses of work and the familiarity of home, and it is just the two of you in an unfamiliar place to relax and recharge as a couple.

The Stork OTC Baby Making Moon

Date Each Other

My husband and I plan dates for each other at least twice a month. Doing things that we both enjoy or know will bring joy to the other is what keeps us going. Be sure to set aside time to enjoy each other will help revitalize what it was that gave you butterflies from the very first kiss. Whether it is dinner and movie or something adventurous, go out and enjoy each other.


Know When You Ovulate

Knowing when you ovulate is the most important step in becoming pregnant. There are several ways to know when you ovulate, but my most reliable method is temping with a basal body thermometer, followed by an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). It is also helpful to track your cycle with a calendar so that you know which days to start doing the BD. My obstetrician and RE recommend starting on CD 10.

Ava fertility monitor TTC The Stork OTC
I use the Ava Fertility Monitor to keep track of my cycle.

Take Charge of Conception in the Bedroom

One thing we disliked about trying to conceive with secondary infertility are the intrusive visits to the doctor for IUI’s. IUI’s definitely take out the fun and romance of doing the BD. The Stork OTC is an assistive conception device that can be used in the comfort of your own home, which offers couples the ability to take control of conception.

Similar to the IUI process semen collection, except without the “washing” the Stork OTC uses a condom-like sheath to collect your partner’s specimen. There’s a tampon-like applicator to insert into the vagina to place the semen close to the woman’s cervical opening. At-home cervical cap insemination has shown a recorded success rate of approximately 20%.

The Stork OTC Romance when TTC

During my next fertile period, the husband and I will test out The Stork OTC that we received in the CVS packaging, and God willing it will lead to successful conception.

The Stork OTC is can be found in the family planning section right next to the ovulation test kits at your local CVS or Walgreens. The Stork OTC costs $79 for a single one-time use conception device.

Remember, trying to conceive is an intimate matter, and should be fun, romantic and spontaneous. We hope these tips, along with The Stork OTC helps you in your journey to conceive.

The Stork OTC for trying to conceive

Are you currently trying to conceive? Then you should join me (@BeautynBumpNYC) and @StorkbyRinovum for the “Get Closer with Stork” twitter party on February 23rd at 8 pm EST.  Remember to use the hashtag: #getcloserwithstorkotc

For more information on The Stork OTC, visit their website http://www.storkotc.com/

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This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.