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Traveling with the kids this Memorial Day weekend? If so, we have the perfect tips to help you get through your Memorial Day Weekend travel happy, stress-free, and in one piece.

Related: 5 Best Tips for Memorial Day Weekend Travel

We know from our own personal experiences when traveling both as a couple and with our daughter how stressful travel can be, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Traveling as a family should be fun, and with just a little extra time spent before travel preparing and planning, traveling with your kids this Memorial Day Weekend should be “Easy like a Sunday morning.”

Memorial Weekend Travel Tips For Traveling with Kids

Memorial Day Weekend Travel Tips for Traveling with Kids_Kia Soul

Plan ahead

I’m the planner in the family. I do the research, set the itinerary, and even create a packing list. I also make a copy of all of our travel documents if we’re flying. I find that when having a plan, and knowing exactly what we need to bring, our travel plans go smoothly, and we’re less stressed. We actually get to enjoy our family vacation.

Travel during naptime

During Memorial Weekend, it’s probably best to even leave a day ahead at the wee hours of the morning to avoid traffic. And if you have younger children – infants to preschoolers – it’s best to schedule your travel during their regular sleeping hours. By doing so you’re maintaining their schedule, and decreasing the chance of having a cranky child during your trip.

Pack snacks

Bring their favorite travel-friendly snacks, but make sure that they are low on sugar. We know from experience that a kid on a sugar high while traveling makes for an antsy, loquacious kid. How many “Are we there yet?” do you really want to answer?

Pack entertainment

Be sure to pack the things that you know will make your kid(s) happy. You know the thing(s) that will stop them mid-tantrum once you pull it out and wave it in front of them; your white flag. This can be a coloring book, a tablet, a stuffed animal, or even a book, or in our case, a Kidz Bop CD. Just bring something, but keep it light.

Pack a Change of clothes

If you’re road-tripping or even flying, it’s important to pack an extra set of clothes because accidents happen, and can happen anywhere. Be sure to pack an extra set of socks, underwear, and an outfit.

Pack Sunscreen and insect repellent

Memorial Day weekend usually leads to lots of time spent outdoors, which means increased exposure to the sun’s harmful UVB/UVA rays, and biting insects. Neither painful sunburn nor itchy insect bites are fun, especially when you’re trying to enjoy your holiday travel so remember your sunblock and DEET-free insect repellent to protect not only your kids but yourself too.

We hope these Memorial Day Weekend Travel Tips help make your long weekend travel plans go without a hitch, and the family can enjoy whatever destination together and create lasting memories.