Disclosure: Astroglide TTC™ sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine.

Our journey trying to conceive, which hasn’t been as long as
others, has been one hell of a ride nonetheless.  After the miscarriage and failed IUIs we’ve become IVF
candidates.  Since I changed jobs, I no longer have health insurance that
covers infertility, which can cost thousands of dollars per cycle.  So for now, trying to conceive with medical
assistance is out the door unless someone wants to send over donations.
Seriously, we haven’t yet given up; we’re still trying, but with the help of
Astroglide TTC™ Trying to Conceive.

One thing that can happen when trying to conceive with medical
assistance is that, due to the medications, the pH of the vagina can change, making
it an unsuitable environment for sperm.  Some
women experience vaginal dryness, which can make intimacy with your partner
painful, and unappealing.  That’s where
Astroglide TTC comes into play because I don’t know anyone that likes dry,
painful sex.
When trying to conceive naturally, sperm need a healthy,
pH-balanced environment in which to survive so that they can successfully reach
the egg, and fertilize it. Astroglide TTC is a specially formulated lubricant
that, instead of inhibiting sperm motility, it actually helps it. 
All you have to do is pop open one of the eight pre-filled
Astroglide TTC disposable packets, and insert it into the vagina, to coat it,
and then get it poppin’.  Just make sure
you first add in some foreplay because anyone going through infertility can
tell you that trying to conceive for a long period of time, after a while, can
feel regimented, so you have to make it fun and exciting.

Unlike other fertility lubricants that I’ve tried,
Astroglide TTC feels closer to the natural secretions of the vagina. It isn’t as
messy, and doesn’t dry up as quickly.  
Also, at $12.99 for eight (8) applications, it is a fraction of the
price of other TTC lubricants on the market.

If you’re trying to conceive, or just need a lubricant to
add a little slip to your slide, be sure to check out the Astroglide TTC.  Check here to see where you can pick up a

Astroglide TTC is Social

Disclosure: Astroglide TTC™ sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine.

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